Meta employees demand acknowledgement, support, and action for Palestine

This form is open to current and former Meta employees (FTE's and CW's).

Please sign to demonstrate your support for the sentiments and demands articulated in our open letter.

Full Name, Title, and City (i.e Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, San Francisco) is required in order for us to verify that you are a Meta employee. You have the option to publicly sign with this info, or sign anonymously using whatever signature you feel comfortable with.

We respect meeting you where you are, but we hope you are at a place to publicly sign with your full name. There is more power in standing up openly for justice and there is strength in numbers.

We will be periodically adding names to the letter (we will wait to get 48 full name signatures before doing so).

If at any point you wish to remove your name from the letter, please email us at

Please sign ONLY If you are a current or former Meta employee.